
Thursday, August 18, 2011

No Beef Meatloaf

Sorry the name of this isn't really great.  After you have tried it, if you want to give me a different name for it that would be awesome.  When I went to my fridge this morning and was looking over the bounty of food that have (not), I came up with this recipe.  That's not a great introduction, but it was an AMAZING dinner.  I have another meatloaf recipe on my blog, and it's great.  Now saying that, this meatloaf is to die for.  When my husband came down with a piece he said it was, "by far the best you've ever made."  I was pretty please that for using no Beef it turned out so well.  You want the recipe?  I thought you might, so here you go....

1 lb. Ground Turkey
1 lb. Ground Pork (I use sage flavored)
1/2 cup mushroom slices
1 Onion diced
3 Garlic cloves, minced
1 cup Chicken flavored Stuffing
2 eggs
2 Tbs. FRESHly chopped Parsley
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper

Preheat oven to 375

In a mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients with your hands.  Squish the crap out of those ingredients and get every inch of that meat covered with mushrooms, stuffing, and eggs.  You want the entire thing slathered with every ingredient.

In a loaf pan arrange your meat into a loaf.  Place in the oven and bake for 1 hour.  Take out and cover with Aluminum foil and bake for another 20 minutes.  Once the time is over, remove the aluminum foil, keep the oven hot and turn on the broiler to high.  Broil on high for 5 minutes or until the top is very crispy.  Once it's crispy, remove and serve.

Tip: after it's done cooking and before broiling, check the middle and just make sure the meat is cooked.  You don't want to broil until the meat is completely cooked.  If it's still a little pink, cook for an additional 5-10 min. and then Broil.


  1. I have to say it looks very yummy:)That is a new turn on a traditional meatloaf and why not:)

  2. This looks good I will try it. I am a new follower from

  3. Hmm... sound yummy and lookis tempting! Maybe I should call it "Yummy than beef meatloaf!!!". Thanks for sharing and following my blog - return your love by joining your post! Love - PC

  4. This meatloaf look delicious, thanks for stopping by at my blog, Im following you!! gloria

  5. I usually use ground turkey in meatloaf and still call it meatloaf. I guess I never thought about it a different way. From the ingredients it looks like it could be called turkey and stuffing meatloaf. Whatever you call it, it looks good! I'm putting it on my list to make.

  6. Yum! This looks delicious and I love that it was made with ground turkey. Its my fav! I'm a new follower and I can't wait to look through all your great recipes!

    Brie from

  7. Thanks easy2save! Gloria, I'm so glad you stopped by and thanks! Thanks darling! We love ground turkey at our house :)

  8. ohmy, this looks fantastic. i've never craved meatloaf quite this early in the morning, but you have me drooling! love that it's a turkey-pork combo, too.

  9. Jilly, Did you know there is a depression era version of no beef meatloaf that uses refried beans instead. Yeah! My mom use to make that when we were young and she was quite broke. LOL But it would be a good veggie version now. Thanks so for the follow on Crazed Mind and of course I will return the favor. How could I not with all these lovely meals.

  10. I'm so glad Nic! Thanks for stopping by! And Lynette, I had no idea. That would be interesting. :) And thank you so much!

  11. That is so sweet of you! "The Borrowed Housewife" was actually an attempt for me to move my blog to another name because I decided I didn't like it, but everything on it is at I was going through a crisis because I had decided the name made my blog ugly ha! So I am actually not even using the other. But I do hope you will follow Pretty Much Nuts I do a little bit of everything including recipes, crafts, and gardening. I took a peek at The Nummy Little Blog and I love it! You are super cute. Also, I am loving the No Beef Meatloaf Recipe. May have to make that this week sometime. I am your newest follower too :) Hope you will join us at PMN!


  12. Thanks Andie! I'm going to check out your blog and start following it now! If you make the meatloaf let me know how it turns out and if you have any questions!
    aka-the nummy little blog
