
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Simple Tomato Sandwich

I know this recipe isn't rocket science, but I thought I should post it since summer is coming to an end.  This is one of my most favorite summertime meals.  I love going out to my garden each day and picking my fresh, juicy, and ripe tomatoes, and then using them in my recipes that day.  This one is just using them in their most raw form.  Here's what I do....

2 slices thick white bread
Miracle Whip
Fresh basil, and parsley
Salt and Pepper
1 ripe Avocado cut into slices
1 juicy FAT tomato cut into slices

I first mix the amount of miracle whip (yes, I hate mayo and miracle whip is sent from the Gods in my opinion). with my freshly chopped basil and parsley.  I slather that on my 2 pieces of freshly toasted white bread.  Then I take my thick slices of tomatoes and layer them on my sandwich.  On top of about 2 layers of tomatoes, I layer 1 whole avocado until the entire sandwich is tipping over. Sprinkle with a hefty helping of salt and pepper, and then I take the top piece of toast and mash it on top of the tomatoes and avocado.  Take 1 bite and you're going to be in HEAVEN!  I promise, this is the greatest sandwich you can make with all your fall time veggies!  Enjoy!


  1. This is just about the most perfect thing to eat during the summer!

  2. This looks great! I love love love tomatoes!

  3. I couldn't agree more Butter Yum! And have I mentioned that I absolutely LOooVe your name?! Butter is my best friend! ;) and Thanks Chels, I love having a garden and my tomatoes are why. :)

  4. Hmmm, this looks so good. I like the avocado version of it too.
