
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Teriyaki Chicken and Veggies Grilled

I have an entire meal for you that you can make on the Grill.  It turns out amazingly delicious, juicy, and smokey.  It's the easiest thing in the world to prep as well.  Plus you get to use the veggies straight from your garden and they taste amazing!  Enjoy!

2 fresh yellow squash cut length-wise about the 1 inch thick
2 fresh zucchini cut length-wise about 1 inch thick
2 Bell Peppers cut length-wise into 4 pieces
2 Anaheim peppers cut in 1/2 length-wise with seeds removed
1 bottle of your favorite teriyaki sauce
6 boneless, skinless, chicken thighs
3/4 cup olive oil
3 tsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. sea salt
2 tbs. freshly chopped parsley

2 days before you are planning on cooking this dinner get your chicken and put it in either a ziploc container with a lid or a huge ziploc baggie.  Dump the chicken in and then pour about 3/4 the bottle of teryaki sauce over it.  Just make sure it is completely covering the chicken thighs.  Let sit in your refrigerator for 2 days.

Right before you get ready to cook your chicken heat up your grill to 375 degrees.  While your grill is heating cut up your vegetables.  Set aside.

In a bowl combine your salt, extra virgin olive oil, minced garlic, and parsley.  Mix with a pastry brush.  This will be your sauce to brush over the veggies once they are on the grill.

Take your chicken and veggies out to the grill.  Place your veggies on the grill width wise and then brush the oil sauce over the side that is up.  You want to start cooking your veggies about 3 minutes before you place your meat.  Let cook on each side for about 4-5 minutes or until soft, making sure to baste multiple times throughout the process.  With your peppers just char and turn, you don't need to baste these.  The peppers are great just charred and soft.

Place chicken on the grill and cook for about 4 minutes on each side until completely cooked through.
 Serve the vegetables with fresh sea salt and crushed black pepper.  Cut up fresh tomatoes into slices and sprinkle with salt and pepper for your side.  Enjoy

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