
Monday, September 12, 2011

Croque Madames with Asparagus

So I have a new twist on Croque Madames, which in my opinion is the best sandwich for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  I normally serve this on Easter morning for my sweetheart, but today was one of those days where I was craving it, so here we go.  It's beautiful, and delicious!  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

1 Bundle of Asparagus cut into 4 inch tips
3 Tbs. butter or oil, plus more for cooking the eggs
3 Tbs. Flour
1 Cup Whole Milk
1 Cup Half and Half
Salt and Pepper
2 Tbs. Dijon Mustard
8 slices Thick White Bread
3/4 lb. thinly sliced Ham
3/4 lb. Gruyere Cheese grated, (you want 2 cups)
4 Large Eggs

Heat oven to 400 degrees.
In a sauce pan, bring a few inches of water to a boil. Add salt and asparagus, and cook a couple of minutes to tender-crisp. Cold-shock the asparagus in bowl of ice water and remove them to a kitchen towel to dry.

Melt butter in a small pot over medium heat. Add flour, cook a minute then whisk in milk. Season with salt and pepper and thicken sauce over low bubble until very thick, 7-8 minutes.  Turn off heat and stir in mustard.

Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and arrange 4 slices of bread on it. Top them with half of the Bechamel sauce, all of the asparagus tips, the ham and half of the Gruyere cheese. Set another slice of bread on each sandwich and cover them with the remaining béchamel and Gruyere. Transfer to the oven and bake 15 minutes, until bread is toasted on the bottom and cheese is deep golden on top.

When the croque's are almost done, heat a medium, nonstick skillet over medium heat with a pat of butter. Add 4 eggs, season with salt and pepper and cook eggs according to preference.  Serve with a little bit more of Dijon mustard in a little side dish.  Voila!  Enjoy!


  1. I will think of thsi as sandwich for any time you want something yummy:)

  2. Looks awesome and its such a good filling tasty sandwich! I have a croque monsieur on my blog and it was tasty also, good job..
    Take care...
