
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Vanilla-Vanilla Cupcake

This recipe is for those people that love moist cupcakes that explode with Vanilla flavor.  I'm a huge cupcake girl, but I'm not a chocolate girl.  Vanilla is my favorite cupcake and so I tried and failed at so many attempts to make a delicious and moist recipe for cupcakes.  This recipe will knock your Vanilla sweet tooth socks off!  You will be craving these all the time, and probably make them even more.  Here you go Vanilla Lovers!

1 cup Sugar
1 Vanilla Bean
1 3/4 cups Flour
1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 cup Butter
2 large Eggs
1/3 cup Sour Cream (full fat)
1/4 cup Canola Oil
1 Tbs. Pure Vanilla Extract
2/3 cup Whole Milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  
Combine Sugar, butter, and the seeds from the vanilla bean.  Stir with the back of spoon to break up any stuck vanilla seeds.  Set aside.
In a mixing bowl combine flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder. Slowly mix in the sugar on low speed just until combined.
In a separate bowl whisk together eggs, sour cream, vanilla, and oil until smooth.
Slowly pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix on medium speed until just combined.

Slowly pour in the milk.  This will turn your batter runny almost a liquid which is what you want.  
Pour a little over 1/2 into each cupcake liner.  Cook for 14 minutes and then check with a toothpick to make sure they're done.  If the cupcakes aren't done (the toothpick isn't clean) cook for 2 more minutes.  You don't want your cupcakes golden brown, you want them a cream color with specks of Vanilla showing through.
Remove your cupcakes immediately from the pan and cool on a cooling rack or on your counter.  Once they are completely cooled, you can frost them with my delicious Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (the recipe is below).  Enjoy!

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting
2 sticks of unsalted Butter
6-8 cups Powdered Sugar
1/2 cup Milk
2 tsp. Vanilla

In a mixing bowl combine all the ingredients and mix until everything is combined.  You can leave it white or add food coloring to make the color you want.  So much fun!


  1. I'm a vanilla fan, choc I can do but vanilla is an awesome flavor. Your CC look great too
    Take care..

  2. Thanks Gerry! They turned out really yummy, and I think my sunday school class loved them as well, so they're even kid approved! :)

  3. I'm about to make these, but the 1/4 cup butter listed in the cupcake ingredients isn't listed in the instructions anywhere. I'm going to leave it out as I'm not a cupcake or cake baker so I don't feel comfortable guessing if it goes in or was a mistake in the list, I hope it turns out OK!

  4. Never mind, I figured it out -you listed salt twice instead of salt once and butter once. Might want to fix that! :)

  5. Thank you so much for your help! I'm am obviously far from perfect! Thanks for letting me know about my mistake. I fixed it, and I hope that they turned out for you! I just made up a new banana cake recipe tonight with brown butter and brown sugar icing, so if you want something a bit easier and totally delicious, make sure to check back tomorrow and see the recipe.
    Thanks for checking out my blog and have a great night!!
