
Friday, September 28, 2012

Jilly's Mashed Potatoes

I have been asked over and over how I make my mashed potatoes.  They are creamy, rich, and delicious. I'm always flattered when I get asked this question because I genuinely take pride in my mashed potatoes.  :)  Growing up I spent a lot of time with my Aunt Jan.  She and I have a lot in common, but the main thing we share is our love and passion for food.  She was the one who taught me how to make the worlds best mashed potatoes.  I'm going to share my secrets (although I'm sure a lot of you already do them).  Once you know the main ingredients, you can mix it up and add fun flavorings to get a HUGE variety of different kinds.  
6 Russet Potatoes, peeled and cubed
1 cube of unsalted butter
1/2-1 C. Heavy Cream
Dash of Salt

Bring a big pot of water to a boil. Salt your water, and add your cubed potatoes to the water.  Let boil until you can insert a fork into the potato easily.  Drain the potatoes.

Put your cooked potato cubes into a mixer.  Add your butter (I like to use room temp. so it melts and mixes quickly), and salt.  Mix until the potatoes start to break up and then slowly start to pour in your cream about 1/4 cup at a time.  Mix until your potatoes are completely smooth (lump free) and are stiff enough that they hold a form.  (The reason you add your cream so slowly is because you don't want to make them liquidy.)  

Once they get to the consistency that you like, this is when you can add any flavorings.  You can add garlic, sour cream, parsley, or anything else.  If I make a beef roast on Sunday I normally just make the plain mashed because I use gravy on top.  If I am serving them with a pork roast though, I will make garlic mashed with a little parsley mixed in.  It's up to you.

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