
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Beef Stroganoff

I'm visiting my sister this weekend for Christmas and last night she asked me if I would make my beef stroganoff recipe.  I realized then that I don't think I have ever shared this recipe with all of you.  As I was making my grocery list for what I needed to buy my husband said he was so excited for my stroganoff and that I needed to make it more.  Now I know he's become accustomed to my cooking, but it must be somewhat good for him to say that right??  :)  Anyway here is a recipe for you all and this is what we're having for dinner tonight at our house.
 Classic Beef Stroganoff
1 1/2 lbs. Flank Steak
1 1/2 cups FULL FAT Sour Cream
8 oz. Fresh Mushrooms, sliced
2 Onions thinly sliced or diced (whatever you prefer)
2 Garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 C. Beef Broth
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Worcestershire
1/4 C. Flour
3 C. COOKED Egg Noodles
1 tsp. dried Parsley
1/4 tsp. Pepper
1 tsp. dried Basil

In a saute pan sear the steak on each side for apx. 2-3 minutes (depending on thickness).  You want it medium rare on the inside. (or cook to your liking).  After it is cooked to where you like, let rest on a cutting board for 8-10 minutes.  Slice across the grain in about 1/2 inch thick slices (you want it to be thin enough to basically melt in your mouth.)

In the saute pan add 3 Tbs. butter and cook onion, garlic, and mushrooms, over medium heat until tender.

Add the beef, salt, and broth and cook for about 1-2 minutes.  Then add the remaining ingredients all but noodles and stir until well mixed, let simmer for about 3 minutes.  Turn off heat and stir in noodles.  Let sit and thicken for about 5 minutes and then serve.

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