
Monday, March 11, 2013

Easy Pizza Pockets

With Cheese on Top
So I have seen these pizza pockets all over "Pinterest" but there has been 1 major thing bugging me about them.  They never have any sauce in the recipes.  They are only meat and cheese.  This morning I came up with my own little twist on the average pizza pocket, and I have to admit that it turned out amazing.  Definitely a Hubby's top favorite recipe, and a recipe that will now be a staple at our house.  Anything easy, and delicious, is something I will make over and over and over!!  I made 2 different batches so I'll give you some pictures of both.  I hope you enjoy this one!

18-24 Rhodes Rolls, thawed
1 Package Pepperoni (regular size)
1 lb. Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 8oz. can Tomato Sauce
1 tsp. Minced Garlic (I used the kind that comes in a squeeze bottle)
a Handful of dried Onions
1 Tbs. Dried Parsley
1 Tbs. Dried Oregano
1 Tbs. Dried Basil
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Pepper

In a bowl combine tomato sauce, garlic, onions, dried seasonings, and salt and pepper.  Whisk until well combined.  Set aside.
Without Cheese on Top

On your counter put a handful of flour down and dip each thawed roll in flour. Then take your rolling pin and roll it into a small disk (about the size of an individual pizza).

Place on one side of the disc 4-5 Pepperoni slices, a sprinkle of Mozzarella Cheese, and then in the middle of the disk pour 2 1/2 tsp. full of sauce.

You're then going to fold the dough over to create a little pocket.  Fold over all the stuffing and pinch all the sides close. Then place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Once you have done this with each roll, take a sharp knife and cut a little hole in the top of each pizza pocket. Sprinkle on a little cheese, and cover with a paper towel for about 25 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 15-20 minutes until the edges are browned and the tops are very lightly browned.

Removed from oven and place on a cooling rack for about 10 minutes before eating.  Serve with ranch dressing, or anything you like for dipping, or just eat plain like we did in our house.  I promise you are going to love these, and the possibilities are endless.  We just used Pepperoni, but you could add olives, mushrooms, peppers, anything your little heart desires.  Enjoy your own pizza pocket for everyone in the family.  There's enough for everyone to have 2nd's and even 3rd's.  Great dinner!!

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