
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oprah Winfrey

So I know a lot of my friends and family know this, but for all of you who don't know me personally I wanted to let you know that I have a personal blog as well.  It tells you all about me.  It's called "The Strasburg Family".  

The latest and greatest news is that I will be going back on the Oprah show for the 3rd time since I was 19.  This is the last and final time I will be on and the show is "Oprah's Most Memorable Guests" spanning her entire time on air.  It will be filmed on April 6th, and then I will make sure to let you know the date it will be on TV.  If you want to check out my blog click here.  So I just wanted to let all of you know because I probably won't have to many new recipes up in the next week just because I'm getting ready to fly to Chicago and getting ready for the show.  

If you are interested in what my show was about you can visit the Oprah website by clicking here.  That will tell you the whole story.  Anyway I hope you all have a great week, and I'll have some amazing and delicious recipes for you when I get home!

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