
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Zucchini Supper

For those of you who grow a garden, you know how much zucchini your plants yield every year.  I always am wondering what to make with it other then the usual desserts I do.  I went out to my garden last night and saw all of my fresh goodies, and put this recipe together.  We had it as our vegetable with some grilled chicken and fresh lemonade.  It was delicious!

5 medium zucchini
4 T.extra virgin olive oil
4 medium tomatoes
a handful of basil leaves, torn
1/2 a lemon squeezed
salt and pepper to taste

Wash and cut the Zucchini into thick strips.  I normally cut mine about the thickness of a french fry.
Heat the zucchini and your oil in a saute pan for about 5 minutes, until the zucchini starts to soften a bit.  Wash and roughly cut your tomatoes. Dump your tomatoes into the zucchini and oil along with your torn basil leaves.  Squeeze your 1/2 of a lemon on top making sure to catch the seeds with your hands.
Cover the pan and let simmer for about 12 minutes until the zucchini are completely soft and the tomatoes have made a good sloshy sauce.
The colors should be bright.  You don't want your zucchini yielding a brown color to it at all.  You want this dish to look really vibrant.  :) 

I use this as a side dish and serve it with a meaty side.  It's a great way to use all of your fresh veggies out of your garden.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jill-

    To lower the fat I used just 1 TBS of olive oil (I only had 3 zucc/squash and 3 tomatoes). Still super tasty. thanks for the new way to eat zucchini. i actually liked it! -liz
