
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cinnamon and Sugar Toast

So I know all of you are reading the title of this recipe and thinking, "Why in the world do I need a recipe for cinnamon Toast?"  The fact of the matter is, that you don't.  But if you want to have the greatest Cinnamon and Sugar Toast you have ever had in your entire life, I highly recommend this recipe.  Follow to a "T" and you will not regret it.  It's amazing, and will blow any Cinnamon and Sugar Toast you have had in the past, out of the water!!
2 Slices Thick White Bread
4 tsp. Sugar
1/8 tsp. Cinnamon
unsalted REAL Butter

Preheat Broiler on Low
Mix the cinnamon and sugar in a little bowl while you lightly toast your bread.  When the bread comes out of the toaster slather it with butter and sprinkle 2 tsp. of the mixture on each piece of toast.  (This is the magic part) Take the 2 slices on buttered toast with the cinnamon and sugar, place on a cookie sheet, and place under the broiler for about 1 minute until the sugar has melted.  It is AMAZING!  

When the sugar melts and hardens a little with the broiler it just sends this ordinary breakfast favorite over the top.  I promise once you try having cinnamon toast this way you will never go back to the old toast, butter, and sprinkle.  Enjoy!!

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