
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Homemade Bread Crumbs

Anytime you have the chance to make something homemade vs. buying it in the store, I say DO IT!  I normally can't make homemade bread crumbs because we use bread so quickly at our house.  I knew we would be gone the whole week of Christmas and I had a fresh loaf of bread that was going to be home.  I stuck the bread in the fridge so it would be ready when I got home.

When I got home I let the bread sit in the fridge for another couple of days (just because I was lazy) and then pulled it out this morning.  I pulled out my trusted coffee grinder (which I grind EVERYTHING in) and started breaking up the bread.  (This is also a great way to clean your coffee grinder after making coffee with it.  I learned that trick back in college.  Coffee grinds are so hard to get out, so put a fresh piece of bread in your grinder, grind it a few times and the bread will pick up all of those little coffee pieces.)

So here is what you need....1/2-1 Loaf of white or wheat bread (and you want it cold)
Coffee Grinder or Food Processor
Ziploc Baggies (to freeze in)

Step 1.
Pull Your Grinder out
Step 2.
Break your bread into little pieces and put in the grinder and grind.
Step 3.
Dump into Zilpoc baggies that have been marked with the name and date and throw in the freezer until you need them.
If you want to snazzy up your crumbs you can also add any herbs you like as well.  I will sometimes add parsley, oregano, and basil to the bag, shake it up and then freeze it.  You can also bake the crumbs under the broiler for a minute if you want them crisp.  I have found that I like them a little soft when I am making my Meatloaf or Meatballs because it makes the dinner more moist.  Do whatever you please.  It's completely up to you.

I love making homemade bread crumbs because you know exactly what goes into it, you don't have to throw away old bread, and you can freeze them for whenever you need them.  It's a great way to save money and time.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea for 1) cleaning the coffee grinder (I use mine to grind herbs) 2) making bread crumbs!
