In my house for Thanksgiving we always had marshmallows on top of our golden, buttery, creamy, and delicious yams. That is what I am going to show you how to make today!

7-10 Sweet Potatoes
1 1/2 C. Brown Sugar, packed
1 1/2 cubes Butter, melted
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
1/2 cup Heavy Cream
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 bag Mini or Big Marshmallows
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
With a fork, puncture holes all over your sweet potatoes over the skin. Place on a cookie sheet and cover with tinfoil. Bake for 1-1 1/2 hours until soft. Take out and let cool just enough to handle, but don't turn off your oven. Remove the skins and roughly chop.
While the potatoes are in the oven mix all your ingredients in a mixing bowl except the marshmallows, cream, and butter. Set aside.
Once you have removed and discarded the skin and chopped the potatoes it is time to mash them. Put all the pieces into a mixing bowl and dump in your melted butter, and cream. Mash until smooth.
Take a 9x13 baking dish and grease it well. Place 1/2 of your potato mixture into the bottom and generously sprinkle the dry ingredients over. Dump the remaining mashed potatoes on top and dump the rest of the dry ingredients on top of the last layer. Place in your 375 degree oven for 25 minutes. Then remove and sprinkle your entire bag of marshmallows on top. Turn off your oven, but turn your broiler on low. Place the pan with the marshmallows under the broiler. You are going to leave them in there just long enough to brown the marshmallows. You need to watch it 100% of the time, because you don't want them to burn. Once the mallows look like the perfectly browned campfire mallow take out and serve!!
I promise, even the little kids are going to love there potatoes. They are ooey, gooey, drippy, and delicious! Enjoy!
how does this do when made ahead of time?